Through art projects, David explores the intricate relationship between how we see ourselves in both idealized and fantastical manifestations and the objective reality captured by the camera and the observer.
In the project PERSONAE, David invites participants to transform into their alter ego or a character of their choice, enabling freedom of expression and experimentation. And yet, in doing so, the subjects can explore and reveal more profound and hidden parts of themselves.
For the second installment of PERSONAE, David collaborated with a diverse group of people connected through the overarching theme of conflict and trauma.
David interviewed participants of the PERSONAE project about their life experiences and why they chose their characters.
Genoel Ramírez interview
Jaime Gonzalez interview
Yesenia Torres interview
Arantxa Araujo interview
Aya Aziz interview
Garnet Rubio interview
David has been taking portraits since early this century. David photographic work ranges from fine art to commercial photography. Artists and celebrity portraits, fashion and advertisement.