PERSONAE, portraits of personal fiction exhibit itinerary.

El Barrio’s Artspace PS109  2019 EXHIBIT – NYC

(Solo show)

Personae II is an exploration of how the human spirit, as
expressed through dreams, fantasy, and imagination, can
endure and transcend to provide perspective on the lived
experiences. For this installment, David collaborated with
a diverse group connected through the overarching theme
of conflict and trauma. Working with stigmatized and
marginalized groups, David aims to open a new path for
dialog between the spectator and the subject, an
opportunity for the participants to express and explore,
as well as bring attention to critical social issues through
the generation of fictionalized content.
Personae II is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by LMCC.
Personae II is made possible in part with funding from the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation and administered by LMCC.

Photo Credit Zhen Qin

Ozaneaux ArtSpace 2018 Exhibit – NYC

(Solo show)

OZANEAUX ArtSpace is a philanthropic, artist-run exhibition/project space created by Artist Nikki Schiro and her partner, Frederic Ozaneaux, in 2009. Interested in empowering Artists and Curators of underrepresented demographics and facilitating International/Cultural Exchange, the couple works with Artists and Curators from their personal and professional community. The gallery sits in the heart of New York City’s Main Gallery District, Chelsea.

More info

Photo Credit: Dan Wagner


(Group show)
Four Freedoms Park Conservancy is delighted to present Capture Your Freedom, the first public, onsite exhibition at Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms State Park. The exhibition is the culmination of the Conservancy’s call for photos, inviting photographers from around the world to submit their photos inspired by the four freedoms: freedom of speech & expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.  
More info

Photo credit Cory Antiel

CVU-BATANA – 2019 Croatia
Centar  vizualnih  umjetnosti  „Batana“ Rovinj
Il Centro arti visive  „Batana“ Rovigno
(Solo show)
  Meksičko-američki portretni fotograf Carlos David u projektu Personae istražuje zamršen odnos između načina na koji vidimo sebe i načina na koji se predstavljamo drugima.
   K portretiranju u projektu Personae, Carlos David poziva i okuplja ljude iz raznolikih zajednica; intelektualce, umjetnike, učesnike ratnih, rasnih, etničkih i drugih sukoba, žrtve obiteljskog i ideoloških nasilja, LGBT osobe, kao i one osobe koje ih podržavaju u njihovim zajednicama ili u obitelji
   Sudionici projekta kao subjekti fotografskih portreta kroz sam medij i proces suradnje s fotografom otkrivaju i predstavljaju svoje fantazije i snove, najdublje, najskrivenije ili najomiljenije alter-ego verzije i pretvaraju ih na fotografskom setu u najrazličitije likove po svom izboru. Tako ista osoba može sebi dodijeliti jednu ili više različitih personae (uloga).
 Meksičko-američki fotograf Carlos David studirao je hispanističku književnost, te je godinama radio kao pisac iz sjene i kazališni glumac u Mexico Cityju. Započeo je fotografsku karijeru nakon selidbe u New York City prije više od deset godina. Kombinira rad komercijalnog i reportažnog fotografa s umjetničkim potretiranjem.
More info

Photo Credit: Ermano Bančić

El Barrio’s Artspace PS109  2017 EXHIBIT – NYC

We had our first exhibit opening on December 1st 2017 at el Barrio’s Artspace PS109 Gallery in New York, New York. More than 250 people attended and many pieces were sold.
The exhibit had more than 130 fine art prints provided by AdoramaPix ranging from sizes 17″ x 25″ to 44″ x 66″. We covered two levels of the Gallery Space!
Please join our contact list to stay informed.

Photo Credit: Romina Hendlin

Instituto cervantes NYC Beyond the interior landscape EXHIBIT – 2018 NYC

(Group show)
The collective exhibition is a reexamination of the natural, human, urban and rural environment in the USA from the perspective of the “other”, with the objective of finding in others the intimate expressions of anxiety and questions that arise in human beings independently of their origins. 
Curated by Verónica Gálvez.

More info